09/2022 - NAANII GLOBAL Luxury/Quality Family Lifestyle MAGAZINE 'en Vogue' - NAANII GLOBAL Quality & Luxury Family Lifestyle - MAGAZINE 'en Vogue'-

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ARTs Film/Movies: Jubilaeum - 30. Hamburger Filmfest - 29.9.-8.10.2022 - ¨TRANSFORMATIONEN¨ in 116 Filme aus 58 Laendern und 22 WeltPremieren !

Published by NAANII GLOBAL + HH Filmfest Com Team in Film arts + Movies + TV + Peliculas + Cine · 27/9/2022 15:17:44
Tags: 30.HamburgerFilmfest202222Weltpremieren110Movies58Countries;GoldenePalmeCannesTriangleofSadnessIrisBerbenRubenOeslund

Corporate News: New RedCarpet MEDIA Accreditation, NGfilm Magazine, NG tv / film at ICONIC Hamburger Filmfestival - 115 Movies, 85 countries and several ¨WeltPremieren¨

Published by NAANII GLOBAL in NAANII GLOBAL Corporate News · 26/9/2022 19:00:47
Tags: NewNGtv/filmRedCarpetAccreditationHamburgerFilmfest2022

F1 news: New 2023 F1 calendar revealed; MONACO on the calendar at least until 2025; Southafrica F1 possible 2024

Published by NAANII GLOBAL & F1 com Teams in Motorsport 2022, F1, Fe, LeMans 24h,.. · 24/9/2022 13:29:13
Tags: F1calendar2023;FIA;Worldchampionship;

Sustainable architecture- green deal - innovation: Madrid is building a - Green Wind Garden- to cool down the city up to 4 degree in average 34 degree summertimes

Published by NAANII GLOBAL + World Economic Forum in Architecture, Real Estate, Design · 23/9/2022 12:24:29
Tags: InnovationMadrid;ConstructionNEWWindGarden;CoolDownCity;Energy;GreenEconomyWorldEconomicForum2022

Polo: XII FIP World Polo Championship 29.10.- 6.11.2022 Miami USA, final preparations beginn

Published by NAANII GLOBAL + USPOLO.org com team in A-List POLO Lifestyle Tournaments/Torneos · 17/9/2022 17:48:42
Tags: Polo;XIIFIPWorldPolochampionship;MiamiUSA;NGpoloMagazine;USA;Argentina;Mexico;Italy;Pakistan;Spain;UruguayRFEP;GLOBALtv;ESPN;
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