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F1: FIA statement 28.02. ´Scudería Ferrari 2019 ´s power unit / fuel flow and/or oil burn´ rocks the F1 paddock !

Published by Naanii Global Team & F1 teams / FIA com Team in Motorsport 2020, F1, Fe, LeMans 24h,.. · 4/3/2020 16:10:35
Tags: Ferraripowerunitinvestigation2019;FIAsecretsettlement28.02.2020RebBullRacingprotest



The FIA announces on the 28th of February, that, ´after thorough technical investigations, it has concluded its analysis of the operation of the Scuderia Ferrari Formula 1 power unit and reached a settlement with the team. The specifics of the agreement will remain between the parties.”

Both the timing of the FIA release – minutes before the final pre-season test SPAIN, Barcelona ended – and the secrecy clause provoked widespread suspicion. ..


We, the undersigned teams, were surprised and shocked by the FIA’s statement of Friday 28 February regarding the conclusion of its investigation into the Scuderia Ferrari Formula 1 Power Unit.

An international sporting regulator has the responsibility to act with the highest standards of governance, integrity and transparency.

After months of investigations that were undertaken by the FIA only following queries raised by other teams, we strongly object to the FIA reaching a confidential settlement agreement with Ferrari to conclude this matter.

Therefore, we hereby state publicly our shared commitment to pursue full and proper disclosure in this matter, to ensure that our sport treats all competitors fairly and equally. We do so on behalf of the fans, the participants and the stakeholders of Formula One.

In addition, we reserve our rights to seek legal redress, within the FIA’s due process and before the competent courts.

McLaren Racing Limited
Mercedes-Benz Grand Prix Limited
Racing Point UK Limited
Red Bull Racing Limited
Renault Sport Racing Limited
Scuderia Alpha Tauri S.p.A.
Williams Grand Prix Engineering Limited

Foto: copyright Scuderia Ferrari, 2020 F1 design, all rights reserved

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