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Croatia - 1000 islands - 1 rst Beach Polo Tournament ROVINJ 12.-15.5.2016

- CROATIA - the place to be -  ROVINJ -

In May  2016  the first ever Beach Polo Tournament will  be played in the ciity of Rovinj - history will be written on the sand of  Croatia !

4 international  Polo Teams will be competing for the titel 2016  from 12.-15.05.2016, and an exclusive programm and side events, such as a welcome party on a Yacht, Gala Dinner, a Polo Parade  (from Polo Arena , Beach,  to the Old centre square of Rovinj), Polo Players Party etc. will be enjoyed by attending Polo Players and croatian and international VIP guests,  - such as german Enno v. Ruffin and his family, american Bruce Collin from New York, american czech Ivana Trump, and much more - expected from around the world,  to  be part of the first ever  Beach Polo Tournament in Croatia.

1) Team Adris (+5/+4):
Bruce Colley (+1)
Uwe Zimmermann (+1) / Philipp Zimmermann (0)
Marcello Caivano (+3)

2) Team Heineken (+4)
Matteo Beffa (0)
Cedric Schweri (0)
Martin Riglos (+4)

3) Team Tagheuer (+4)
Susanne Rosenkranz (0)
Niclas Johannson (0)
Jamie Le Hardy (+4)

4) Team Jamnica (+5)
Sébastien Le Page (0)
Thomas Wolfensberger (+1)
Martin Podesta Jr. (+4)

8:00 – 11.00  pm
Welcome gathering on the yacht
**By invitation only!
Dress code: Casual Smart

2:00 pm
Opening of the Polo Arena for tournament
2:45 pm
Short introduction to polo rules
03:00 pm
Start of the first Polo Match
04:00 pm
Start of the second Polo Match
Dress code: Casual Smart / CROATIAN COLOURS DAY (red, white, blue)
09:00 pm
Gala dinner with After Party
Dress code: Black Tie / Cocktail dress White and red theme

10:00 am
POLO Parade (from Polo Arena to Old centre square)
11:00 am
Polo coffee break at Hotel Adriatic
2:00 pm
Polo Arena opening for tournament
3:00 pm
Start of the first Polo Match
4:00 pm
Start of the second Polo Match
Dress code: Sporty elegant
08:00 pm
POLO PLAYERS standing dinner with After Party
Dress code: Simple White theme / Smart casual

01:30 pm
Opening of Polo Arena for tournament
2:00 pm
Start of the first Polo Match
3:15 pm
Start of the second Polo Match
4:00 pm
Prize-Giving Ceremony and Closing Ceremony
Dress code: sporty elegant in team colours (green, pink, blue, white)
8:00 – 11:30 pm
*By invitation only!
Dress code: Casual smart

more information: Rovinj Beach Polo - Polo Croatia
Tournament Programm : Rovinj Beach Polo Cup 2016


Fotos:  copyright Croatia Tourism, all rights reserved;  Rovinj Beach Polo , all rights reserved

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